Resources for Faith Leaders
On this page, you will find resources specifically related to faith communities; but be sure to check out the other pages to learn more about domestic violence, read articles and listen to podcasts, discover why I am passionate about this topic, or contact me for a consultation.
Click here for the book Taking it Seriously: A Faith Leader's Guide to Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, the church, and people of faith
The Is it Abuse page has a lot of information that you will find helpful. The best way that faith leaders can protect their congregations and the victims and survivors of abuse within their congregations is to be educated and informed. This is important information for all clergy members and faith leaders, even those who serve in a lay leadership capacity. The Articles and Projects pages also have information that you will find helpful. And please take time to listen to our Podcast!
If you would like a copy of the 20+ page Domestic Violence Awareness Packet with all of the info pages mentioned above and more, let us know through the Contact Form that you are interested in the Domestic Violence Awareness Packet. If you are interested in PDF single copies of specific infographics on the Is it Abuse page, we can help with that too. This information is helpful not only for your own education but also for those in your church.
Additionally, if you or your church is interested in creating a domestic violence policy, we can help with that as well. Rev. Gen has put together a sample policy that can be used by your church to create your own policy. Many churches have begun to realize the importance of child protection policies but very few churches have created written policies around the topic of domestic violence. This is an important step in protecting and assisting those who have been impacted by abuse. If your church is ready to create a domestic violence policy, let us know through the Contact Form, below.