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A phoenix rising over Hope Rise Thrive
Hope Rise Thrive
A phoenix rising over Hope Rise Thrive

How the church becomes a grooming place for domestic violence

"What young women are not taught is that there are cases where abusers are infiltrating our churches and pretending to have a fervent faith."

Domestic violence and churches
Domestic violence and churches

When love does not conquer all

“Truth be told, it is not the responsibility of one spouse to fix the other. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.”

To the single mom who struggles

“A difficulty for those who are marginalized is that they are often invisible in society; but in that moment, my cloak of invisibility fell to the floor with the phrase, “the single mom who struggles."

Single moms who struggle after abuse
Women in ministry response to abuse

Women in ministry vital to domestic violence response

"Women in ministry should keep in mind that for some of their congregants, the marginalization, assault, harassment and stalking come not from a stranger on the street but from a woman’s own spouse. If that is hard to fathom for those in ministry, imagine the agony the victim experiences every day."

Creating safer faith communities for survivors of abuse

"Churches can partner with local family violence shelters to create plans of action for helping those who are victimized. Age-appropriate conversations about healthy versus toxic relationships are important at all age levels, and sermons can speak out against abuse and provide comfort for the oppressed."

Creating a safer faith community after abuse
Decrease domestic violence

To increase congregational health, decrease domestic violence

"For some individuals in your congregation, mental and physical health ailments are going to be the result of domestic trauma.”

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